Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year and more feathered friends

Happy New Year to the remote person(s) with nothing better to do than read my fledgling (pun intended) blog. With December came snow and three more birdie friends. The lovely little lineolated parakeets (Bolborhynchus lineola lineola) or linnies arrived first from a wonderfully competent and caring breeder in Texas. We gave them Hebrew names to remember our recent visit to Israel (in November). The olive green linnie is called Zippy (short for Zipporah which means bird in Hebrew) and the mauve bird is Jaffa (which in Hebrew means beautiful). They have big black, soulful eyes and make soothing burbling sounds until they learn to speak or mimic in song...we are working on 'pretty bird' and a simple version of the Hallelujah Chorus at the moment. Please refer to You Tube for examples of accomplished vocal linnies. After the linnies who are sisters arrived....I had compassion on Toby the budgie who looked like he needed a we made a trip to West Seneca to another excellent breeder (Mr. Fitzgerald) and came home with Mr. Tibbs another pedigree English budgie. He is a beautiful irridescent (normal) green and has happily established his residence in a new flight cage with Toby...who seems quite happy to have Mr. Tibbs around. Mr Tibbs has taught Toby how to eat a wider range of foods including quinoa and fresh sprouts daily. Lastly Guaneri the canary still lives alone and likes it that way. His molt, now complete, has given him new energy and feathers and he is back in full and beautiful song...morning, noon and can set your clock by him! He does have a beautiful new flight cage and carefully handmade preening toys though. So for your enjoyment here are some of the latest pictures of the flying jewels in my flock.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Toby The Pedigree English Budgie

Toby, aka Tobermory Featherstone Hough (pronounced Fanshaw Huff) McGuire is the second reason for the commencement of the Lowne Farm blog....Toby is a young English (Exhibition) budgerigar who came to us via friend who was a renowned breeder and judge of these wonderful birds. Toby is in the process of hand taming and socializing....he likes the company of Guaneri Canary....but needs another budgie playmate I think. Jonathan another friend, is bird sitting at the moment and keeps promising to deliver Toby home (deceased) in a ziploc freezer bag.

Guaneri Canary

This is one cool bird! Guaneri the male American singer....inherited from another musician friend who was moving to California. Guaneri was his Macaw's pet...but now he lives with us. Here is his emerging new plumage after the long summer molt.